Description : Refractory Castable
Dry materials that can be combined with water to form a homogenous mass which can be cast in formwork similar to concrete.Castable refractories can be classified into four major groups - dense castables, lightweight or insulative castables, gunning castables, and special purpose castables - sometimes these classifications can be combined, such as lighhtweight gunning castables, or dense gunning castables.
Dense castables are designed for strength, abrasion and corrosion resistance and are primarily used as the working hot face.
Lightweight insulating castables provide low thermal conductivity values behind dense castables, or in certain conditions as working hot face linings.
Gunning castables are modified versions of the above castables that allow them to be effectively placed using pneumatic guns. Some grades are dual purpose, allowing both casting and gunning without change.
Special duty castables feature specifically enhanced properties over conventional castables, such as the modern range of low cement castables and castables with less conventional binders.
Features and Benefits
Castable refractories offer these advantages:
- High strength at low temperatures.
- Air and gas-tight joints result in fuel savings.